Hebrews:13:5b: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”
We must dig deeply into this rock to see what it yields:
(1) What dose Never mean?
(2) What dose Leave mean?
(3) What dose Forsake mean?
What does never mean? It should read, ” I will never, no not ever, no never leave you, nor forsake you…” It is a synergistic compound negative. It is a forever which has no exceptions ever.
If God will never leave you, He has not now left you because never includes now. Can you accept that in your mind? In your will? In your emotions?
I want to put the branding iron of this great never into the white- hot heat of God’s love and brand it upon your eternity-destined psyche so you will never, no not ever, no never forget it. You can get well if you will yield your whole mind to this powerful positive negative never.
What does leave mean? This is a little Greek word, aniemi meaning: “To leave behind, to abandon, to give up on, to send back”. God says, “I will never, no not ever, no never leave you behind, abandon you, give up on you, or send you back”. Get these burning words into your soul, your emotions. How can you feel left out if you haven’t been left behind? If He doesn’t leave you, He is taking you along with Him. If He hasn’t abandoned you, why do you feel so alone?
Your emotions are lying to you. Your emotions are whispering to you.
“God has abandoned you.” But God says, “I will never leave you behind, give up on you, abandon you, send you back”. So right now, I want you to call your emotions a liar and God’s Word the truth. Get your mind, will and emotions converted to God’s Word. If He hasn’t given up on you, then why have you given up on yourself? If He will never leave you behind, then He is taking you with Him. Wherever you go, whatever you do, this verse says right clearly – you are together.
What does it mean, not forsake you?
To my mind, forsake is one of the most interesting words in the Word of God. It means to ” Leave one in a helpless state, to disregard”. Jesus who had taken a mission of love for mankind had nails driven through His loving hands and feet.
He used a word related to our text, Matthew 27:46 “My God, my God, why hasn’t thou forsaken me”? The same Father who seemed to forsake His Son on the cross (though He did not) has promised never to forsake you. The same God who allowed His Son to be forsaken for our sake will not forsake us. Jesus has suffered the forsaking for us and God will never leave us to suffer a forsaking a second time.
God Is With All His Children Always And Will Never Abandon Them.